Why is this site here, for what purpose has it been created?

About the present of this course.

Core beliefs and assumptions which underlie this site.

Human nature is “good”

Human beings like any other life form strive to survive, procreate, perpetuate. But unlike most other life we have the ability to exercise free will and therefore we can “create” from the ether.

Fear or Love

Man can only make decisions in one of two states; in fear; not in fear. Man does not have to fear any person, place or thing.

Technology is not the answer to human want and suffering. Letting go of fear is the answer.

Technology can be used to help but instead we choose to use it to make us more efficient at exploitation and destruction.

Civilization is not the answer.

Civil is who we are naturally. When we try to force civilization (our beliefs) others we become the more disenfranchised, estranged and farther from our core as a social animal. In effect less civilized; more efficient at exploitation and destruction.

Laws are not the answer

Laws are used to take from others what we don't have by right of our Truth, Intelligence, Live and Love. Laws are polarizing and unsustainable and damaging to naturalness and expression and along with fear are a key mechanism for exploitation.

There already exist a set of Universal laws that apply to everyone on this planet and on any other planet, everywhere in the universe and through all of time. These laws are principle and guide all living creatures, everywhere and always.

Giving is the answer

If everyone tries to get what the need / want from others some win and some lose and this not sustainable. If everyone gives all they have to everyone else, then everyone ends up with everything they could need and will forever, with plenty left over.

Humans are "social animals" Our safety is in our "togetherness" as a social animal; there is safety in numbers. We are not by design supposed to be independent; self contained animals. We are to be communities, shared responsibilities; one for all and all for one.

Information brings freedom and restriction of information is a form of slavery.

We must transcend our fears and choose to function in a healthy, sustaining, social way for our distant ancestors before the event of farming, animal husbandry and the idea of property.

That we live with many symbols which do not correspond to reality and yet we make decisions everyday based on these convenient falsehoods, which are essentially bad decisions.

This site is designed to create a community of others who care about these core values. To create friends, association and people who share a common frame of reference.

It is time for the human race to grow up and choose to move forward in its evolution. If we don't we nature will certainly thin are ranks a force us back into a “primitive” environment, where nature will dictate how and why we act.

All the ways we are different from animals. We have "free will" Doesn't feel like it but it is our will which has created this situation.

Everything is perfect. If we are unhappy it is perfect, etc. The same free will that creates unhappiness will also create happiness if this is what we choose.

Human beings by default are healthy, happy and creative. You need only look at any “undamaged” child to know this is fundamentally true. This is the natural state. If we as individuals stop doing things that makes us unhappy we would naturally revert to being happy.

There is no charge for this site. There is no money making concept. It should be self supporting. If there is a need or want for it, those who benefit from it will keep it floating. If it follows universal law it will thrive and if not it will peter out and die.

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