Emerson's Essays, Ralph Waldo Emerson. Books Inc, 1841

Deep, very deep, is one way to describe the writings of Emerson. Poetic, divine, brilliantly human are some others. But what stands out about Emerson's Essays, is the sheer amount of weight and truth packed into each of them.

As we begin to emerge from hiding into a world where fear no longer holds sway, we will start to see and think about things at a depth we may have never before. It is at this deep place of contemplation where Emerson's Essays shine. His writings are suggested here for long, calm and careful reflection as Emerson's style is ill suited to quick and light comprehension. A wonderful reprieve from the predigested, spoon-fed "knowledge" foisted on us daily by the minions of radio, TV and mass media publishing. Calming, clarifying and enlightening reading material meant to be read and digested paragraphs at a time for many years.

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