Your Erroneous Zones, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer. Funk & Wagnalls, 1976

This book is highly effective as a tool for developing self-awareness. A fabulous inventory and internal cleaning tool. Simply read this book and in that process you will identify, understand and begin to clear many areas in your life where fears hold sway. A great beginning for doing the "internal work" that is required to know, who you are. "Work" the book and do the exercises and you will make tremendous gains toward living life on life's terms, free of fear.

From the Dust Jacket: "We're here only once, Dr. Dyer stresses. stop living by others' rules and start functioning according to your own desires. Decide what you want and go after it. consider the kind o person you want to be and become it. "

"In chapter after chapter you will recognize yourself and the seemingly innocent , well-meaning behavior that habitually results in your own unhappiness. In addition to showing how to identify and expose your own erroneous zones, Dr. dyer provide a variety of easy-to-follow plans designed to eliminate them forever."

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