Relaxation & Stress Reduction Workbook, Davis, Eshelman and McKay. New Harbinger Publications, 1982

An extremely important aspect of living a fear free life is caring for the body in which we live. A stressed and mishandled body will have less strength and energy to support us in our daily lives, making us susceptible to fear, disease and addiction. A relaxed, properly fueled and well cared for body will complement and support our resolve to let go of fear and provide the energy needed to allow us to handle things as they come.

This book contains a well presented and valuable collection of techniques and exercises including simple, concise, step-by-step direction for the mastery by anyone, of: Progressive Relaxation - Self Hypnosis - Mediation - Autogenics - Imagination - Refuting Irrational Ideas - Nutrition - Coping Skills Training - Assertiveness Training - Biofeedback - Breathing - Time Management - Thought Stopping - Exercise.
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