How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World. Harry Browne, Avon, 1973

How I Became Free in an Unfree World, should be required reading for every human being on the planet earth! This is a fundamental guide about relationships; with ourselves and with others. This book provides sound and practical advice, empowering perspective and permission to be who we are. A "how to" for navigating the world as free and sovereign individuals .

One need not agree with all of the ideas presented in this book to realize, that when all is said and done, our life is our responsibility alone. That every day we must choose who we are and what we will do. We can live in fear and reaction to the demands of others or we can strive to live free of fear. We can defer to the wants of others, or we can do as our heart and mind dictate. Our call; our choice.

The major myths, lies and the traps we're caught in everyday come into clear view as you read through, How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World. And when you've finished reading, you won't be the same person who started it; you will have had your eyes opened and you will be much better for it.

From the back cover:
Bestselling author Harry Browne shows you how easy it is to break out of the traps that may be preventing you from having a truly free existence and live the way you want to without having to change the world or the people around you.

From the Prologue:
"Freedom is the opportunity to live your life as you want to live it. And that is possible, even if others remain as they are.

"I'm free because I have chosen to live that way. I've concentrated upon the things I control, and used that control to remove the restriction and complications from my life."

"Every day of my life is mine to use as I see fit."

"I'm involved with people who add to my life, and I'm independent of those who would take from it."

"My life is of little importance to you, however, and this book is not an autobiography. The title was chosen to let you know that at least one person has accomplished the freedom you seek, and that it can be done without changing the nature of the world. The attention will be devoted to your freedom - but the principles and ideas presented will be those that brought freedom to me."

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